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    Savannah Museums & Attractions

    Fun Attractions for Student & Girl Scout Groups

    No trip to Savannah would be complete without experiencing our cultural attractions. The Juliette Gordon Low House makes a great destination for Girl Scouts and youth groups to learn their historical beginnings. And there are plenty of other unique Savannah museums offering art and history your group is sure to enjoy.

    For more information on booking a trip for your Savannah Girl Scouts or student group, please contact us online or call (912) 298.0803.

    Girl Scout First Headquarters

    The Girl Scout First Headquarters building, formerly the carriage house for Juliette Gordon Low’s adult home, which is currently called the Andrew Low House, was willed to the Girl Scouts of Savannah, GA, Inc. upon her death in 1927. The building has served Girl Scouts longer than any other building in the nation and is the only building left by Juliette to Girl Scouts. Jointly with the Juliette Gordon Low Birthplace, Girl Scout First Headquarters was declared Savannah’s first National Historic Landmark (as the “Juliette Low Historic District”) in 1965.
